Thursday, March 19, 2009

Nothing new to report

Jeff is still in room 315 at Los Robles. I haven't been posting
because there hasn't been any real change since he was moved out of ICU.

Jeff remains in a coma, resting comfortably as best we can tell. He is
still warm from the chronic infections. There was no movement when I
asked Jeff to move his hand. Sorry that I don't have better news.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks to Seth for providing all the information and keeping it up to date. I visited Jeff on March 12th when I was up in the area. The nurses asked me to talk with him and try to get him to respond. I was hoping there would be some success since people say I have a loud voice but nothing worked.

    I really miss Jeff and told him that and about all the accounts and co workers that miss him. I used to talk to Jeff every week and he was always there when I had a bike question. We had a blast working together especially the time we had a ride-with and he convinced me to sell wine during "National Bike to Work Day". We loaded up backpacks and visited his accounts. Some thought we were crazy but almost everyone appreciated the effort. I miss riding with him after work (learning his routes) and going to dinner at The California Grill or Sheila's. He also did a great job selling our wine and you can find it in almost any of his accounts whereever you stop in. He worked hard for the business and built a trusting relationship that you don't often see.

    Get better soon buddy and I stop by for a visit.

    Bruce Smitham
    J. Lohr Winery
